The project “University Memory” involves collecting memories about the University.
Archives submit proposals to the teachers to talk about interesting events from the history of the University, important aspects of the university community that have been associated with their academic and social activities. The main attention is paid to the need of data collection and display of ideas that would not only cover the history of the academic community, but also constitute an intellectual biography of every teacher in light of the living text of memories.
In order to collect memories, various forms of communication are used: interviews, memoirs submission in writing. Memories can be presented in audio-visual or printed form on individual profiles of teachers. Already published memoirs will be posted online with the consent of authors and publishers.
Roksolana Petrivna Zorivchak
Roksolana Petrivna Zorivchak
Nonna Khomivna Kopystyanska
Nonna Khomivna Kopystyanska
(філолог, заслужений професор університету)
Stepan Arsentiyovych Makarchuk
Stepan Arsentiyovych Makarchuk
(історик, заслужений професор університету)
Orest Illyarovych Matkovskyi
Orest Illyarovych Matkovskyi
(геолог, заслужений професор університету)
Olexandra Antonivna Serbenska
Olexandra Antonivna Serbenska
(філолог, заслужений професор університету)